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Worship is at the heart of Overtown Parish Church and it informs all that we do and are.


We have multiple worship options. We currently offer our weekly Sunday morning service in the sanctuary which can also be found digitally on our Facebook page at 7pm every Sunday and our service is also available throughout the week on our telephone line: 01698 533 195. 


Our weekly Sunday morning service begins at 11am. At Overtown Parish Church there is no dress code, just come as you are. Everyone is welcomed at the front door by a member of the welcome team. The welcome team are always pleased to meet new people and will be happy to introduce you to members of our congregation and make you feel comfortable. If you have brought along children with you, please ask one of the welcome team to point you in the direction of our junior church. If you are visiting please sign our visitors book at the rear of the church, we are always interested to see where in the world our visitors have travelled from. 


There are no 'reserved' seats in our church so sit where you like, the church is mainly pews but there is a seating area for those with limited mobility, our church is also fully accessible. We sing a mixture of traditional hymns and modern music that appeals to all ages. The service begins with a welcome and then an all aged talk, the junior church usually sit at the front of the church at this point but you are more than welcome to keep your children with you if they find this more comfortable. Part way through the service the junior church (OKClub and crèche) are invited to leave the main sanctuary and continue their own learning and worship together in the church halls.


The remainder of the service will involve worship, music, bible readings, a sermon, prayer,  and normally finishes around 12pm. Each Sunday there is tea, coffee, biscuits and cake served after the service in the church hall. All are welcome to stay for a cuppa and a chat.


Other Church Services…..


Throughout the year we hold an array of services outwith the normal Sunday worship. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated four times a year, The Lord's Supper is open to all who love the Lord Jesus Christ. 

During Holy Week and Easter there are various services and activities happening in and around Overtown Parish Church, please come and join us. 


We have services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and on Easter Sunday there is an early morning service at 7am held in the manse garden (next to church) which is followed by breakfast in the church halls. There is also an all-age service at 11am on this Sunday to celebrate Easter with an Easter Egg Hunt for the children.


Over the Christmas and advent season the church is busy with a number of different services to suit everyone.

At the gift service the congregation, if they wish, are invited to bring a gift to the service which are collected together and given to help those locally who would maybe not otherwise receive a gift at Christmas.

 There is an annual nativity service in which the junior church lead part of the service to tell the congregation the Christmas story we all know and love.

On Christmas eve there is a Christingle service which is a family oriented informal service during which everyone makes a Christingle, sings carols and make lots of noise!  So, if you are young, or young at heart, and maybe don’t want to stay up till midnight, then come along and join the fun. This is followed by a watchnight service where we celebrate the birth of Jesus with carols and reflections to welcome Christmas day.

There is also a Christmas morning service for those that wish to attend.


Remember all are welcome at Overtown Parish Church.


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All material on this website © 2022

Overtown Parish Church except where otherwise indicated

Overtown Parish Church is a registered Scottish Charity no:SC007360

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